Cong Minh Bui1,, Huu Nhan Kha2, Thi Diem Nguyen2, Tu Nghi Ngo3
1 Tan Hiep District Medical Center
2 Can Tho University of Medicince and Pharmacy
3 Kien Giang General Hospital

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Background: Gastrointestinal bleeding from gastric and duodenal ulcers is a internal medicine-surgery emergency. The overall mortality rate from gastrointestinal bleeding ranges from 2-15 %, with an average of 10%. The Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is a simple bedside score, and many studies show its value in prognosis. Objective: To compare the predictive value of blood transfusion and recurrent bleeding of the MEWS with the Rockall and Blatchford scores in gastrointestinal bleeding patients from gastric and duodenal ulcers. Materials and methods: 132 patients with gastrointestinal bleeding from gastric and duodenal ulcers at Kien Giang General Hospital, diagnosed by gastroduodenal endoscopy. Results: The proportion of patients who received blood transfusions and products and had recurrent bleeding was 65.9% and 6.1%, respectively. MEWS, Blatchford and Rockall scores in predicting patients with blood transfusion and blood products have AUC (p) of 0.636 (p=0.01), respectively; 0.797 (p<0.001) and 0.542 (p=0.434). MEWS, Blatchford and Rockall scores in predicting patients with recurrent bleeding have AUC (p) of 0.872 (p<0.001), respectively; 0.737 (p=0.025) and 0.590 (p=0.396). Conclusion: The MEWS has predictive value for blood transfusion and recurrent bleeding compared to the Rockall scores, but the MEWS only has better predictive value for recurrent bleeding compared to the Blatchford scores.

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