Thi Ngoan Mai1,, Hai Ha Do1
1 Dai Nam University

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Pharmacology, a subject often considered difficult by students, requires an in-depth understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and pathology. The constant increase in the number of approved drugs and the constant updating of clinical protocols presents big challenges in the pharmacist training program. The application of active learning methods is necessary to meet the output standards for students. “Flipped classroom” is an “active learning” model that has been popular recently, allowing students to participate in a highly interactive learning process. Therefore, we conduct an overview article on the "Flipped Classroom" model. To provide an overview of the "Flipped classroom" model and apply the model to teaching Pharmacology module. Collecting and processing reference materials: We searched for articles related to the "Flipped classroom" model in teaching students of healthcare field, thereby summarized the characteristics, organization methods and the benefits of the "Flipped Classroom" model. Conclusion: The flipped classroom approach has been shown to be effective in a variety of education fields, including medical, pharmacy and nursing education. Applying the "Flipped Classroom" model in teaching Pharmacology subject helps increase students' learning motivation and optimize classroom discussion time, enhance students' skills through interaction and practice activities in class.

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