Van Hao Duong1,, Truong Duy Tung Nguyen2, Le Nhut Duy Huynh2, Minh Huu Le3, Cong Tuan Nguyen4
1 Binh Minh Town Medical Center
2 Vinh Long Department of Health
3 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
4 Vinh Long Province Center for Disease Control

Main Article Content


Background: The Methadone treatment management program in Vinh Long province has been implemented for many years and has brought many positive results but it still faces some difficulties due to the high drop-out rate. Objectives: To determine the proportion of treatment compliance and to identify the related factors among methadone patients treated in Vinh Long province in 2023. Materials and method: Using cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis on a sample size of 251 methadone patients treatment in Vinh Long province. Results: The proportion of adherence treatment among Methadone patients is 61,8%. There is a statistically significant relationship between treatment compliance with the current Methadone dose; using the drug during treatment; consultation and support from medical staff and medication time. Conclusions: The treatment compliance rate in patients using Methadone is 61,8%. It’s necessary to improve support from health care workers for patients, maintain appropriate medication time, actively communicate about harmful effects, and intervene promptly for patients using drugs when treatment to improve the treatment effectiveness of the Methadone program.

Keywords: Treatment compliance, Patient, Methadone.

Article Details


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