Thi Trang Dai Nguyen 1,, Nguyen Ngoc An Cao1, Thi Thanh Yen Le 1
1 Can Tho University of Medecine and Pharmacy

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Background: Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau is used worldwide for the treatment of antioxydant, antiinflammation, rheumatism, gout, and pain. Objectives: Identification anti-oxidant effects of total extract and fractions of Clinacanthus nutans in vitro DPPH and FRAP. Material and methods: Clinacanthus nutans was harvested at Nui Cam, An Giang province. Roots, stems, and leaves were extractd by 96% ethanol. Liquid-liquid extraction of ethanol extract was performed by using dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and water which are arranged in order of increasing polarity. Fraction extracts were employed on vacuum liquid chromatography system in order to collect more simple fractions. The evaluation of antioxidant activities in vitro of extracts from different parts of Clinacanthus nutans was conducted by the inhibition of DPPH and FRAP inhibitory action tests. Results: The extract from the stem of Clinacanthus nutans showed the most potent antioxydant action out of the extracts from another parts. Similarly, the strongest antioxidant effect was observed in ethyl acetate extract compared to extracts from other solvens. Conclusions: The research results have provided data on the antioxidant activity of Bumblebee, making an important contribution to the establishment to choose to use this medicinal plant in a reasonable and safe manner and to develop research on chemical composition. of Clinacanthus nutans in the direction of biological effects.

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