Phu Qui La1, Hoang Son Le1, Tri Dien Lu1, Van Minh Le1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Pneumonia is the most common disease and one of the leading causes of death in children. Zinc plays an important role, notably its immune role in the body. Objectives: 1) To determine the rate of zinc deficiency in children with pneumonia from 02 to 59 months old at Can Tho Children's Hospital. 2) To analyze of some factors related to zinc deficiency in children with pneumonia. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study in 100 children with pneumonia from 02 to 59 months being treated at Can Tho Children's Hospital. Results: The zinc deficiency rate in children with pneumonia was 67%. Severe pneumonia had significantly lower serum zinc concentrations compared to those with pneumonia (p <0.001). The zinc deficiency in pneumonia children was statistically significantly associated with low birth weight, incomplete breastfeeding, and malnutrition (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant correlation between zinc deficiency and previous history of pneumonia (p = 0.477) and anemia (p = 0.378).  Conclusion: Children with pneumonia have a higher rate of zinc deficiency. The lower serum zinc concentration, the more severe the pneumonia tends to be. Low birth weight, incomplete breastfeeding, and malnutrition are factors associated with zinc deficiency in children with pneumonia.

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