Ngoc Huan Nguyen1,, Thi Tam Pham1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Stroke leads to severe disability and leaves many significant, hard-to-recover effects on patients. These effects not only impact daily life activities but also the quality of life of the patients. Objectives: To identify the rate of  living functional impairment and impaired motor function in patients with stroke sequelae in Long Ho district, Vinh Long  province in 2023-2024. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 stroke patients being managed in Long Ho district, Vinh Long province in 2023-2024. Using the Barthel scale and the Fugl-Meyer scale. Results: The proportion of research subjects ≥60 years old was 75.0%, with males accounted for 50.5%. 37.5% of research subjects had secondary education, and the primary occupations were farming and selfemployment. The rate of right-sided paralysis was higher than left-sided, and the main cause of stroke was cerebral infarction, accounting for 65.0%. 25,5% research subjects in the study had sensory disturbances or circular muscle disorders. The rate of functional decline in daily living activities among the research subjects in the study was 95.0%, with motor function decline at 88.0%, and overall functional impairment at 86.5%. The study found a correlation between sensory and circular muscle disorders and functional decline in stroke patients. Conclusions: Stroke patients have very high motor sequelae, necessitating attention and enhanced rehabilitation for this patient group.

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