Ha Viet Quan1,2, Lam Nhut Tan1,, Thi Truc Chi Nguyen3, Pham Yen Ngoc2, Chau My Trang2, Dang Thi Yen Nhi2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Hoc Mon Area General Hospital
3 Hoc Mon Regional General Hospital

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Background: Wisdom teeth surgery is one of the common oral surgery procedures with difficulty and high risk of complications. Objectives: To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of impacted mandibular third molars at Hoc Mon Area General Hospital in 20232024. To evaluate the results of surgical treatment of impacted mandibular third molars at Hoc Mon area general hospital in 2023-2024. Materials and methods: Descriptive study, uncontrolled clinical intervention on 88 patients with impacted, impacted lower wisdom teeth hospitalized and treated at Hoc Mon Regional General Hospital. Results: We found that right mandibular third molars predominate in impacted conditions (56.8%). Most of them have misalignment angles less than 80o (45o-80o account for 50%). Type II (61.4%) and type B (71.6%) third molars based on Pell and Gregory classification account for the majority, similarly the mesioangulated impacted type (58.0%). The surgical outcomes were positive, most patients had mild pain and 69.3% of patients had no pain on the 7th day post-surgery. The degree of horizontal and vertical facial swelling increased significantly on the first day after surgery and decreased significantly on the following days (3rd and 7th day), the difference was statistically significant (all p < 0.05). Similarly, the degree of mouth opening decreased immediately post-surgery but improved significantly on the 3rd and 7th day later (all p < 0.05). Conclusion: Surgical treatment of impacted mandibular third molars Surgical at Hoc Mon Regional General Hospital is highly effective and worthy of recognition.

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