Trung Kien Nguyen1,, Do Hung Tran1, Hong Phong Nguyen1, Huy Thanh Ong2, Nhat Ngan Tuyen Vo1, Phan Hai Sam Nguyen1, Thi Thuy Loan Le1, Duc Long Tran1
1 Can Tho University of Midicine and Phramacy
2 Can Tho Children's Hospital

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Background: Levofloxacin is considered a rescue antibiotic in the treatment H.pylori due to a high resistance to clarithromycin and the restriction of tetracycline use only in older children. However, the resistance to levofloxacin is currently increasing, varying between regions worldwide, and the resistance situation is associated with mutations in the specific areas of the quinolone resistance gene GyrA. Objectives: To determine the rate of GyrA gene mutations resistant to levofloxacin of H. pylori bacteria in children 6-16 years old with peptic ulcers and some related factors. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 55 pediatric patients aged 6-16 with H.pylori-positive gastroduodenitis at Can Tho Children's Hospital from January 2021 to January 2023. Results: In pediatric patients infected with H. pylori, the mutation rate of the GyrA gene is 54.5%. The two most common variants are amino acid positions 87 and 91, with mutation rates conferring resistance to levofloxacin at N87K, D91G, D91Y, and D91N being 38.2%, 7.3%, 1.8%, and 1.8%, respectively. Particularly noteworthy are three newly discovered mutations with potential levofloxacin resistance: A88V, K133N, and A134P, each with an equal rate of 1.8% Conclusion: The study has determined the rate of drug resistance mutations and levofloxacin antibiotic resistance mutations in H. pylori bacteria. In addition, the study also showed that mutations in the GyrA gene were not related to the levofloxacin resistance phenotype.            

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