Thi Huyen Trang Nguyen 1,, Thi Le Uyen Bui 2
1 Vinh Long General Hopital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Acne is a common skin disease that does not seriously affect life, but persists and affects the patient's aesthetics and quality of life. Objectives: To determine the rate, type of lesions, level of acne and some related factors to acne in high school students in Vinh Long city, Vinh Long province in 2023. Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis was conducted on 1024 students studying at high schools in Vinh Long city, Vinh Long province in 2023, data analysis using software SPSS 18.0. Results: The proportion of students with acne accounted for 86.1%. Students with blackheads accounted for the highest rate of 87.4%. Students with moderate acne accounted for the highest 51.7%. There were a relationship between age, gender, family history of acne, use of fat and coffee with students' acne, p<0.05. Conclusion: The rate of acne among students was very high (>85%), it was necessary to strengthen communication and education to improve knowledge, practice and treatment of acne among students.

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