Thanh Hung Tran1, Hoang Thuy Phuong Tran1,, Thanh Tam Le2, Thi Cam Thuy Bui1, Thi My Linh Luong1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital

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Background: The 2X Strategy is a new technique that makes a substantial contribution to improving the identification of tuberculosis patients, initiating early treatment for them, severing the source of infection in the community, decreasing the number of new cases of tuberculosis, and decreasing the mortality rate. Objective: To determine the incidence of tuberculosis, chest X-ray characteristics in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and some factors related to pulmonary tuberculosis in Can Tho city in 2023. Materials and methods: Study 3166 people participating in screening of the 2X campaign in Can Tho city in 2023. All data was collected by questionaires. SPSS 23.0 software was used for analyzing data. Results: In the study group, the incidence of tuberculosis was 3.2%. According to the X-ray data, 81.8% of the patients had opacities, 80.4% had lung apex lesions, and 44.6% had lung right third lesions. Some factors related to tuberculosis were age group over 64 (p<0.005); men (p<0.001); illiterate (p=0.021); poor economy (p=0.015); X-ray lesions were in the form of opacities (p<0.001) and cavities (p=0.001). Conclusion: The 2X campaign has demonstrated efficacy in identifying tuberculosis early on and cutting the disease's community transmission source.

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