Thi Cam Ly Le 1, Thanh Nhan Danh 1,, Le Nhu Phuc Nguyen 1, Tran Thanh Thao Nguyen 1, Nhat Nam Dang 1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Researching the rate and associated agents of helminth infection among firstyear students at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy from 2022 to 2023 in order to provide existent data contributing to the parasitic infectious prevention as well as changing risk behaviours to minimise the infection rate. Objectives: To determine the rate of helminth infection in first-year students at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy using direct stool testing technique with F2AM fixation solution and some factors affecting helminth infection. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design analysed 231 freshmen at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy from June, 2022 to June, 2023. Results: Among 231 students whose stool samples met the standards tested, 03 students were infected with hookworms, accounting for 1.3%, and no cases of other helminth infections were found. Some factors affecting helminth infections were washing hands before eating and after going to the toilet, go barefoot. However, we have not recorded a statistically significant difference. When infected with hookworms, there were often symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness and diarrhea Conclusions: The hookworm infection rate is 1.3%. Some factors that affect worm infection include walking barefoot and hand washing habits 

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