Main Article Content
Background: Diabetes is a common non-communicable disease in Vietnam and tends to increase worldwide. Quality of life is an mportant aspect for people with diabetes diabetes because of leading to poor quality of life, reducing self-care, increasing the risk of further complications. Therefore, it is desirable that this study describe the quality of life of people with diabetes to improve their quality of life. Objectives: To describe the quality of life of outpatients with type 2 diabetes at Tra Vinh University Hospital in 2021. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 200 outpatients met the sampling criteria at Tra Vinh University Hospital in 2021. Results: The average quality of life score of the patients was 62.10±7.31 points. In which: the field of diet was 47.12±12.91, equivalent to the poor average quality of patients in this field; the physical health field was 55.26±19.38, which corresponded to the average quality of the patients in this field; the mental health field was 83.03±15.85 which was equivalent to the patient's quality of life in the field of quite good level; financial sector was 89.65±10.04 equivalent to quality of life at a good level; the personal relationship domain was very low, only 25.12±10.14 points, causing the patient's quality of life to decrease only to a poor level. Conclusions: The overall quality of life for people with diabetes is at a good average level, the quality of food in the field of diet is average, the quality of physical health is quite average, the quality of mental health is at a good level. The quality of life in financial area is quite good, quality of life in personal relationship is at poor level.
Article Details
type 2 diabetes, quality of life
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