Thi Ngoan Nguyen1,, Hai Ha Tran1, Thi Hong Ngoc Huynh1
1 Tra Vinh University

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  Background: Acute coronary syndrome is a heterogeneous group of diseases that requires a risk stratification, especially in the first 24-48 hours of admission to have an appropriate treatment. Observations from clinical practice will inevitably gain more useful information, thereby proposing more effective interventions. Objectives: To describe the clinical and subclinical characteristics of acute coronary syndrome on patients hospitalized at Tra Vinh General Hospital. Materials and methods: Data were collected in the cross-sectional study carried out from March to September 2020 on 121 patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome at Tra Vinh General Hospital. Results: Angina was the most common symptoms on patients with acute coronary syndrome (80.3%), while dyspnea and tachycardia (≥ 100 times/min) were 65.8% and 35.5%, respectively, and moist rale in lungs was 26.1%. More than 40% of patients in the study group had Killip classes III and IV. The research applied GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) scale for stratifying. Most patients (90.1%) belonged to high-risk group, which was significantly higher than intermediate and low-risk groups with 7.9% and 2.0%, respectively. Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) accounted for a higher percentage than ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 62.8% versus 37.2%. In which, there were 44.6% of patients having anterior myocardial infarction. Patients with elevated Troponin I was high with 83.5%. The results of echocardiography recorded 18.2% of patients with movement disorders, 9.1% heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, 32.7% with acute mitral regurgitation after infarction, and 32.7% with diastolic dysfunction. Conclusions: The common symptoms of acute coronary syndrome was angina, dyspnea and tachycardia. The rate of having NSTEMI was significantly higher than STEMI. In addition, the majority of patients with acute coronary syndrome fell into the high - risk group on the GRACE scale. 

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