Hai Ninh Dang1,, Bao Tran Ha1, Thi Tuyet Duy Vo1, Phuong Thao Nguyen1, Anh Thu Nguyen1, Bao Ngoc Trinh Phan1, Thi Thao Vy Duong1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital

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Background: Job satisfaction among healthcare workers is an important factor that contributes to promoting and improving work efficiency. Objectives: To assess the job satisfaction of healthcare workers at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study with 241 healthcare workers. SPSS 26 software was used for descriptive statistics and analysis of primary data. Results: Overall satisfaction had an average score of 4.19; satisfaction with leadership and colleagues scored 4.15; job satisfaction and advancement opportunities scored 4.02; and the working environment scored 3.84. There were differences in satisfaction levels among groups of employees based on age, educational level, years of service, specialization, work position, and number of shifts per month. Conclusions: Healthcare workers at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital have relatively high overall satisfaction, but improvements in the working environment are needed. Hospital leadership should implement policies to enhance employee satisfaction, thereby improving the quality of healthcare services.

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