Hong Diem Chau, Nguyen Lam Le1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Malocclusion, especially Class I Angle, has been a common phenomenon of orthodontic patients, which impacts not only aesthetics but also the functionality. There is always debate whether teeth should be extracted or not. Objectives: To investigate the clinical and paraclinical features of Class I Angle malocclusion patients who received Non-extraction Orthodontics. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 33 patients who were 15 years old or older with dental crowding less than 9mm, had Class I Angle malocclusion, and were indicated for Non-extraction Orthodontics at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Collected clinical characteristics, Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) index, and radiographic features. SPSS 20.0 software was used for data analysis. Results: The percentage of female patients was 75.8%, and the most popular chief complaint was related to aesthetics (72.7%). Most of the patients had a harmonious facial pattern. Analysis of dental models indicated that PAR was 14.45 ± 5.23, and the slight deviation accounted for 63.6%. In lateral cephalometric analysis, the patients had the maxillary and mandibular bones in regular positions, Class I skeletal malocclusion ANB 2.58 ± 2.02 (0), hypodivergent facial pattern SN-GoGn 29.31 ± 5.75 (0) (p < 0.05), protruded upper and lower incisor U1-SN: 25.42 ± 5.98 (0), 6.14 ± 2.16 (mm) và L1-NB: 27.47 ± 6.58 (0), 7.06 ± 2.67 (mm) (p < 0.05), proclined interincisor angle U1-L1 124.52 ± 9.21 (0) (p < 0.001). Protrusion of upper and lower lip compared to E-line was within the standard value. Conclusions: Aesthetics are getting more and more attention. Non-extraction Orthodontics should be indicated for patients with slight malocclusion, and a relatively harmonious facial pattern.  

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