My Linh Duong 1,, Thi Thuy Phuong Dang 2
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Kien Giang Obstetrics and Children's Hospital

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Background: Preeclampsia is a common condition in pregnancy with incidence of 2-10%. The disease causes multi-organ damage to pregnant women and seriously affects the fetus. Changes in blood uric acid and LDH in pregnant women can be an early manifestation of preeclampsi. Objective: To determinate serum uric acid and LDH values in pregnant women with pre-eclampsia at Kien Giang Obstetrics and Children's Hospital. Materials and methods: A cross sectional descriptive study in over 143 preeclamptic pregnancies admited in San Nhi Kien Giang hospital from 5/2021 to 6/2022. Results: The mean value of blood uric acid in the group with mild preeclampsia was 367.1 ± 93 µmol/l, in the group with severe preeclampsia 458.3 ± 115 µmol/l. In which, the uric acid value increased > 360 µmol/l, accounting for 41% in the group of mild preeclampsia. Gestational age from 34-<37 weeks with uric acid value >360 µmol/l was 72.7%. The mean value of blood LDH in the mild preeclampsia group was 197,7 ± 61,5 9 u/l; group with severe preeclampsia was 283.7 ± 117.1 u/l; 11.6% of severe preeclampsia, the LDH value is >400u/l. Conclusion: Serum uric acid and LDH levels vary widely with gestational age and severity of preeclampsia.

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