Thanh Tuan Le1,, Van Kim Long Vu2
1 Ca Mau General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: The issue of a higher risk of infection in abdominal surgery needs more attention. Objectives: To describe the characteristics of surgical site infections in elective abdominal surgery patients at Ca Mau General Hospital and evaluate some factors related to surgical site infections in elective abdominal surgery patients from 2022 to 2023. Materials and methods: A crosssectional descriptive study was conducted on abdominal surgery patients enrolled in the program at Ca Mau General Hospital. Results: The mean age was 56.8 ± 12.8; with 43.8 % of patients having no comorbidities. Clean surgery accounts for 65.7%; clean-contaminated surgery accounts for 28.8%; contaminated surgery accounts for 5.5%. Abdominal surgical site infection rate is 13.7%. Patients with body mass index < 23 have a lower rate of surgical site infection than patients with mass index ≥ 23 (OR= 1.415; 95%CI: 0.027- 0.798). Laparoscopic surgery has a lower rate of surgical site infection than open surgery (OR = 0.189; 95%CI: 0.046-0.774). Short surgery time ≤ 120 minutes had a lower rate of surgical site infection than the group with long surgery time > 120 minutes (OR = 0.11; 95% CI: 0.25-0.491). This difference is statistically significant p<0.05. Conclusions: The rate of surgical site infection after sessions of abdominal surgery is 13.7%. This ratio was correlated with patient mass index, type, method, and duration of surgery.

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