Thị Ai Xuan Le 1,, Thi Tam Pham 2, Thi Cam Hong Huynh 1
1 Tra On District Medical Center
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams) is an important cause of over 80% of infant deaths and an important public health problem. The low birth weight rate not only directly affects the rate of child malnutrition, perinatal mortality, and child mortality, but also affects the average life expectancy of people in the community. Objective: Determining the rate of low birth weight in Vinh Long province in 2021 and some factors related to low birth weight in Vinh Long province in 2021. Materials and methods: All children born from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 are currently residing in Vinh Long province. Mothers with children born from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 are currently residing in Vinh Long province. Analytical cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: The rate of low birth weight was 5.4%, a number of related factors such asweight of the mother before pregnancy (low birth weight in mothers weighing <40kg was 33.3. % and in mothers with weight ≥40kg was 5.2%, p<0.05); weight gain in pregnancy (low birth weight in pregnant women who gain weight <8kg was 16.9% and in women who gain weight ≥8kg was 3.9%, p<0.05); gestational age (preterm low birth weight 63.3% and full term 3.4%, p<0.05); iron supplement during pregnancy (low birth weight/full iron supplement was 5.2 % and incomplete iron supplement, 13.2%, p<0.05); economic conditions of mothers (low birth weight in mothers of poor and near-poor households was 14.3%, mothers with better income was 4.8%, p <0.05). Conclusion: The rate of low birth weight in Vinh Long province in 2021 is 5.4%, a number of factors are related to low birth weight such as: weight of the mother before pregnancy; maternal weight gain during pregnancy; gestational age at birth; iron supplements during pregnancy; mother's economy. This result can contribute to suggest some appropriate interventions such as guidelines for antenatal care, proper nutrition during pregnancy.

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