Nhi Van Chau1,2, Wei Wu2,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 GuangZhou University of Chinese Medicine, China

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Background: COVID-19 is an infectious acute respiratory disease caused by the SARSCoV-2 coronavirus strain and its variants, which are life-threatening. In November 2021, the number of children with COVID-19 was quite high, but very few children with COVID-19 were treated with Traditional Medicine. However, the author applied Professor Wu Wei's Chau family lonicerae and forsythiae Detoxicating Decoction (Zhou shi Yin Qiao jie du) to treat 1 case of 11-month-old mild COVID-19 pediatric patient with fever, cough, nasal congestion, difficulty sleeping, and quick test positive. The patient ran out of symptoms two days later, the quick test came back negative seven days later. Accordingly, treating mild COVID-19 with Traditional Medicine has been shown to be effective even in children, the role of Traditional Medicne in early-stage COVID-19 is needed.

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