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Background: The medicinal herb Evodia rutaecarpa is being considered and studied worldwide due to many pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiemetic effects. However, in Vietnam, there have not been many published studies on Evodia rutaecarpa. Therefore, there is a need to investigate the toxicity and pharmacological effects of Evodia rutaecarpa to make the foundation for the extended application of products from Evodia rutaecarpa and the healthcare needs of population served. Objectives: The study assessed the acute toxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of Evodia rutaecarpa fruit extract in mice. Materials and methods: Evodia rutaecarpa fruits were extracted with ethanol 80%, the alcoholic extract was evaporated and concentrated until it formed a thick structure. The extract was used to evaluate the acute toxicity of Evodia rutaecarpa fruit using Behrens method. The carrageenininduced paw edema inflammatory model was performed and the paw volume was measured to assess the anti-inflammatory effect of Evodia rutaecarpa fruit ethanol extract. Results: The oral LD50 value of Evodia rutaecarpa fruit extract in mice could not be determined up to 5000 mg/Kg body weight. At doses of 1000 mg/Kg, there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of edema diminished in mouse legs compared to diclofenac 10 mg/Kg. Conclusion: Evodia rutaecarpa fruit ethanol extract showed no acute toxicity in mice when being orally administered with the dose of 5000 mg/Kg. At the doses of 1000 mg/Kg, anti-inflammatory effect of Evodia rutaecarpa fruit extract were observed and equivalent to diclofenac 10 mg/Kg.
Article Details
Evodia rutaecarpa, acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory effect
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