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Background: It has been widely known that root canal treatment is a complicated technique and the result mainly depends on the doctor’s experience. Constant development of file systems and new materials makes root canal treatment much easier than it used to be. Objectives: To compare the clinical features, radiographic images of bicuspids with pulp and periapical diseases and evaluate the result of endodontic treatment of bicuspid treated with rotary and manual Protaper systems. Materials and methods: A descriptive and interventional study was conducted on 74 patients divided into 2 groups of 37. Group 1 was treated with rotary system and group 2 was treated with manual protaper systems. Recalled after 1 week, 3 months and 6 months. Results: In this research, there were 53 females (71.6%) and 21 males (28.4%). The majority of treated teeth was maxillary second bicuspid (35.1%) and the minority was mandibular first bicuspid (10.8%). Most of maxillary first bicuspid had 2 root canals while 100% of mandibular second ones had only 1 root canal. In group 1, the successful rate after 1 week, 3 months and 6 months was 89.2%; 89.2%; 94.6% comparing to 83.8%; 86.5%; 89.2% respectively of group 2. Conclusion: Manual and rotary protapers systems both perform good results in bicuspid’s root canal treatment and there was no difference between the successful proportion of two systems.
Article Details
manual protaper system, rotary Protaper system, bicuspids endodontic
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