Xuan Thao Nguyen 1,, Thi Thanh Đao Luu2, Van Lam Nguyen 2
1 Can Tho obstetrics and gynecology hopital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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  Background: Birth defects are one of the most common abnormalities in fetal and infants, and many statistical studies have identified birth defects as causes of neonatal death and infant disease. Birth defects account for about 3 to 4 % of all births, according to the World Health Organization. Objectives: To determine the percentage of fetuses with high risk of multiple chromosomal abnormalities in pregnant women who performed prenatal screening by Combined test or Triple test. Evaluation of abnormal QFPCR in pregnant women with high risk of Combined-Test, Triple-Test and termination of abnormal QFPCR. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study. Pregnant women who agreed to perform the prenatal screening test. Results: The proportion of fetuses with a high risk of multiple chromosomal abnormalities in pregnant women using prenatal screening Combined test and Triple Test was 25.9%, and 21.8 %. The trisomy risk ratios of 21, 13, and 18 based on Combined Test were 85.1%, 1.5% and 13.4% respectively. The trisomy risk ratios of 21 and 18 based on the Triple Test were 84.6% and 15.4% respectively. In 314 high-risk pregnancies due to biochemical tests, the rate of amniocentesis was 99.7%. The abnormal QFPCR was 8.3% (26 cases), with Trisomy 21, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18 was 57.7%; 15.4%; 23.1% and 3 chromosomes were 3.8%. Pregnant women agreed to terminate their pregnancy after a QF-PCR of 96.2% (25/26). The method of termination of pregnancy is internal medicine, which accounts for about 100%, there is uncomplication, the time from labor induction to out of uterus is average > 7 days. Conclusion: The application of rapid and effective screening techniques such as QF-PCR improves prenatal diagnosis. Prenatal screening is not only done in high-risk pregnant women, such as the age or history of obstetrics, but should be routinely recommended for every pregnant woman to detect chromosomal abnormalities.

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