Thi Ngoc Nhi Do1,, Minh Thy Phan1, Do Hai Ngoc Nguyen1, Phi Tuan Kiet Tran1, Vy Yen Phuong Le1, Thi Kim Ngan Lac1, Van Ba Huynh1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Acne is a very common disease, accounting for 80-85% of adults. Acne has very complicated pathogenesis with many causes and factors involved, but there are 3 main causes: increased sebum secretion, dyskeratinization of sebaceous follicles, Propionibacterium acne (P.acne) bacteria and inflammation. Objectives: To describe features and some related factors to acne at Can Tho Hospital of Dermato-venereology in 2021. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on 35 patients treated at Can Tho Dermatology Hospital in 2021. Results: Under 19 years old (88.6%), from 19 to 25 years old (11.4%). Oily skin has the highest rate of (45.7%), sensitive skin (28.6%), normal skin (14.3%), dry skin (11.4%). The position with the highest percentage is the face (100%), the back (51.4%), the chest (31.4%), the extremity (8.6%). In patients with a habit of staying up late at night, the rate is very severe, the rate is (21.4%) and the average level is (21.4%). For patients using dairy foods >2 times/week, the average rate was (69.2%), and the very severe level was (7.7%). Conclusion: The condition of oily skin accounted for the highest proportion (45.7%), and the position with the highest percentage was the face (100%), there was a relationship between the habit of staying up late and using foods derived from dairy and the level of acne.

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