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Background: Tuberculosis cases have been increasing recently, including pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with AFB (-), especially in developing countries. Objectives: To determine the proportion of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with AFB (-) and related factors at Tan Bien Medical Center, Tay Ninh. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of 164 patients, with pulmonary tuberculosis, registered for the treatment from January to December in 2019 at Tan Bien Medical Center. The assessment of pulmonary tuberculosis rate with AFB (-) based on sputum tests directly, chest X-ray, Gene Xpert MTB/RIF; in which, there are at least 02 AFB (-) samples from 02 different sputums. To analyze data SPSS software version 20.0 was used. Results: Percentage of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with AFB (-) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients accounted for 34.8%. The rate of infected population was 56.27/ 100,000 people. There are three key factors related to pulmonary tuberculosis without AFB (-): gender, duration of TB before screening and smoking. It was found that the rate was higher in female patients, duration of TB screening under 1 month and smoking, with the ratio of 2.770; 2.969 and 2.674 respectively. Conclusions: The rate of pulmonary tuberculosis AFB (-) is quite high (34.8%). This rate increases in the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who are female, smokers and early detection time for TB.
Article Details
Pulmonary tuberculosis, AFB (-), related factors
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