Thi Bich Ha Bui 1,, Minh Phuong Nguyen 1, Thi Thu Ba Nguyen 1
1 CanTho University of Medicine and Pharrmacy

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Background: Pneumonia is an inflammatory phenomenon of the lung parenchyma including alveolar inflammation, alveolar sac, alveolar tube, interstitial connective organization and terminal bronchiolitis. The neonatal period is from birth to the first 28 days after giving birth, Neonatal pneumonia is divided into two categories: early-onset pneumonia (≤3 days after birth) and late-onset pneumonia (>3 days) postpartum. Objectives: Survey of clinical and subclinical characteristics of disease Pneumonia in preterm infants. Assessment of treatment results and related factors Pneumonia in preterm infants. Materials and research methods: prospective, crosssectional studies with descriptions of 65 preterm neonatal pneumonia infants and 67 children with neonatal pneumonia from 02/ 2019 to 06/2020. Results: The preterm infants and the term infants did not show statistically significant differences in the sign of infection with poor breastfeeding (p = 0.127 > 0.05), but there was a significant difference. statistical meanings for signs of infection such as vomiting, bloating and fever (hypothermia) with p <0.05. Respiratory signs of preterm neonatal pneumonia and term neonatal pneumonia infants with wheezing (13.85% and 64.18%), whimpering breathing 27.69% and 1.49%, apnea of >20 seconds and cyanosis only occurred in preterm neonatal pneumonia children 43.08% and infants pneumonia at term 4.48%, The rate of antibiotic change in preterm neonatal pneumonia group was higher than that of term neonatal pneumonia group (35.38% compared to 22.397%). The rate of successful treatment in both groups of neonatal pneumonia in term children 56.92% and neonatal pneumonia in preterm infants 74.63%. Death only occurred in infants with premature neonatal pneumonia 7.69%.  

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