Huu Phuoc Nguyen1,, Huynh Trang Vo 2
1 Long Khanh Regional General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular accident, is still an urgent problem today, it affects health and quality of life, can cause rapid death or leave many sequelae. severe consequences for patients, their families and their national community, the role of rehabilitation interventions in patients after stroke at the Hospital and after discharge, patients still have sequelae of paralysis, they need to continue to rehabilitate the remaining function, which is a necessary issue. Objectives: 1). Determining the rate of sequelae in patients with cerebrovascular accident after treatment at Long Khanh Regional General Hospital; 2). Evaluation of the results of rehabilitation of motor sequelae after three months and after six months, in patients with cerebrovascular accident in the community in 2022-2023; 3). Studying some factors related to the outcomes of rehabilitation of motor sequelae in patients with cerebrovascular accident in the community in 2022-2023. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis and community intervention without a control group, conducted on 525 patients with rehabilitation intervention at Long Khanh Regional General Hospital, from September 2022 to February 2023. Results: Patient's independence in daily activities according to the BARTHEL scale after 6 months: independent 65.33%, little dependence 16%, high dependence 04.67%, complete dependence 14%. The change in BI was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: For stroke survivors with many sequelae, it is necessary to intervene early in rehabilitation, helping to improve movement, physical, mental and quality of life.

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