Huu Thoi Nguyen1, My Linh Duong2,, Quang Nghia Bui2, Thi Van Phan2
1 Can Tho Central General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Can Tho Central General Hospital has started using Foley cathether to induce labor in term pgregnancies in addition to the current method of using slow-release vaginal Dinoprostone (Propess). Foley has the advantage of being cheaper than Propess, but there are no studies comparing the results of the two methods. Objectives: To evaluate the results of labor induction with Foley cathether and Propess in pregnant womens ≥ 37 weeks of gestation. Material and methods: Randomized control trial study mathching pair homologously in gestational age group on 150 pregnant womens, in which 75 womens received Foley sonde and 75 womens received Propess. Results: Successful labor induction rate in the Foley group (77.3%) was lower than in the Propess group (85.3%) but there was no statistical significance (RR=0.91; 95% CI: 0.78-1.06, p=0.209). The mean time from onset to successful induction in the Foley group (9.1±3.3 hours) was similar to that in the Propess group (10.1±5.0 hours (p=0.171). However, the rate of using oxytocin to augment uterine contraction after successful induction in the Foley group was 4.7 (95% CI: 2.5-8.8) times higher than in the Propess group. The rate of using cervical softening drug after successful induction in the Foley group was 2.1 (95% CI: 1.2-3.9) times higher than in the Propess group. There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of vaginal delivery after successful induction (70.7%; 79.7%, RR=0.89; 95% CI: 0.72-1.09, p=0.249); mean time from onset to vaginal delivery (14.5±7.8 hours; 12.7±7.9 hours, p=0.275). Conclusions: Using Foley catheter to induce labor is as effective as Dinoprostone, but required more oxytocin and more cervical softening drug after successful induction.

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