Nguyễn Minh Phương1, Viet Hung Phan1, Thien Thang Tran1, Hoang My Le1, Huynh Ngoc Tran Thai1, Van Thi Vo1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Autism spectrum disorder is a disorder that seriously affects individuals, families, the whole society and consumes a lot of resources from the community.  Screening for early detection and timely intervention of cases at risk of autism spectrum disorder is very necessary. Several personal, family and obstetric history factors are associated with the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Objectives: To study on the percentage of children from 18 to 36 months old with autism spectrum disorder by M-CHAT-R/F scale and related factors in Ca Mau city, Vietnam in 2022. Materials and method: A descriptive cross-sectional study with analysis on 3639 children aged 18-36 months in preschools in Ca Mau province from January 2022 to September 2022. Results: 203/3639 (5.6%) children 18-36 months are at risk of autism spectrum disorder based on the M-CHAT-R/F scale. Factors associated with the risk of autism spectrum disorder include: male gender (p = 0.001), family with a genetic defect/disease (p=0.001), family with a person with mental disorder (p=0.001), birth with medical intervention (p=0.001), labor duration >24 hours (p=0.001), preterm birth (p=0.001), low birth weight (p=0.008), asphyxia at birth (p<0.001), pathological jaundice in the neonatal period (p=0.003).  Conclusion: The proportion of children 18-36 months at risk of autism spectrum disorder based on the M-CHATR/F scale is 5.6%. A statistically significant association was observed between the risk of autism spectrum disorder and individual factors, family factors, obstetric history factors.

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