Hoang Mien Em Do1,, Thi My Duyen Huynh2
1 Ke Sach District Medical Center
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Using antibiotic, corticoid, and vitamin is considerable problem in all countries as well as Vietnam. Incorrect prescription of antibiotic in primary health care has related to adverse health result and has increased tuition for healthcare services. Objectives: to determine the percentage of right antibiotic, corticoid and vitamin prescriptions and find out some related factors to the impossible antibiotic, corticoid and vitamin presciption in inpatient treatment at Ke Sach District Medical Center in 2022. Materials and methods: A cross – sectional study from 366 medical records used at least 1 among 3 types of drugs: antibiotic, vitamin and corticoid for inpatient treatment at 4 depanments: pediatrics, resuscitation, the general internal medicine and obstetrics-reproductive health care. Assessment of indicators about using drugs rightly has based on circular 23/2011. Results: The proportion of medical records having right prescription was 62.8%. Including, correct antibiotic, vitamin and corticoid using were 77%, 69.2% and 62.5% respectively. There were associations between gender, age groups, level of expertise, the duration work of doctors and improper using of antibiotic, vitamin, corticoid. Conclusions: The rate of records getting appropriate antibiotic, corticoid, vitamin prescriptions reaches lower 80%. Managing use of drugs should be monitored more carefully to strengthen the quality of patient treatment.   

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