Thi Thu Huong Ho1,, Hong Phong Nguyen2
1 Can Tho Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Chemotherapy is the method of choice after surgery, bringing maximum effectiveness in treating breast cancer. Information on the rate and degree of toxicity on the hematological system, liver, kidney help clinicians to provide comprehensive care for patients. Objectives: To determine the rate and degree of toxicities on the hematopoietic system, liver kidney of breast cancer patients after chemotherapy at Can Tho Oncology Hospital. Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Subjects are breast cancer patients who have undergone surgery and chemotherapy. Late-stage cases will not be included in the study. Results:

125 cases were selected. The patient’age were 50-59 years old, tumor in the upper outer quadrant, adenocarcinoma NST grade 2 and stage IIA, IIB. The prevalence of toxicity on the hematological system, liver, and kidney includes decreased hemoglobin (64%), leukopenia (8%), neutropenia (15.2%), thrombocytopenia ( 2.4%), increased blood creatinine (0.8%), increased AST, ALT (19.2% and 27.25%, respectively). The majority of toxicity cases are grade I, grade II. The highest degree of toxicity was grade III leukopenia (0.8%) and grade III and IV neutropenia (2.4% and 0.8%, respectively). Conclusions: The most common hematological toxicity is a mild decrease in hemoglobin. Toxicity causing leukopenia, neutropenia is common, can be grade III, IV. Hepatotoxicity is common in grade I, grade II, whereas nephrotoxicity is extremly rare.

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