Thi Chau Giang Do1,, Duc Minh Nguyen 1, Nhut Khue Truong2
1 Odonto - Maxillofacial Hospital of Ho Chi Minh City
2 Can Tho University of Medical and Pharmacy

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Background: The development of new obturation techniques improved the efficacy of endodontic treatment. Heated gutta-percha techniques could replicate better irregular canal anatomy, such as the continuous wave of condensation. Objective: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic results of endodontic treated incisors one-week post-treatment. Materials and methods: A prospective, descriptive study was conducted across Odonto - Maxillofacial Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City and Eye and Can Tho Odonto - Maxillofacial Hospital from August 2020 to December 2020. All incisors were endodontic treated with a Reciproc file system and EV-Q obturation system. Evaluating the treatment outcomes in terms of clinical symptoms and radiographic assessment after a one-week follow-up. Results: A sample of 32 patients in which the most affected tooth was upper central incisors (46.8%), and the majority of teeth had irreversible pulpitis (65.6%). After one week, good clinical results accounted for 90.7%, and satisfactory ones accounted for 9.3%. Concerning radiographic assessment, 87.5% of the sample had a good impact; 12.5% of the model had a satisfactory one. There was no statistically significant difference between the material’s dimension before and after obturation. Conclusion: Combining the rotary system and warm vertical compaction technique gives good results in endodontic treatment.

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