Huu Toan Nguyen 1,, Van Cuong Dam2
1 Can Tho General Hospital
2 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

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Background: Pyelonephritis caused by ureteral stones causing sepsis is a urological emergency. Emergency drainage is considered standard in patients with obstructive stones that cause sepsis. Objectives: To determine the clinical and laboratory characteristics and to evaluate the results of internal drainage by JJ catheter in patients with pyelonephritis due to ureteral stones causing sepsis. Materials and methods: A prospective descriptive study with analysis of a series of clinical cases (31 cases) in patients hospitalized for treatment at Can Tho General Hospital diagnosed with ureteral stones. sepsis complications from January to December 2020. Results: Mean age of materials: 58.4 16.74 years old. Hospitalization rate for hip pain accounted for 58.1%, fever accounted for 41.9%. Right ureteral stone accounted for 61.3%, left accounted for 38.7%. Most stones were in the pelvic position. Average gravel size: 10.29 ± 4.29 mm. Manifestations of systemic inflammatory response syndrome: fever >38oC (83.9%), leukocytosis (90.3%), heart rate increased >90 times/minute (67.7%), increased heart rate breathing >20 breaths/minute (71%). Most of the cases had leukocytes in the urine and a nitrite reaction (-), the average procalcitonin test and grade 1 hydronephrosis accounted for the highest rate of 48.4% and 54.8%, respectively. The success rate of the method of internal drainage by JJ catheter was high (100%), no complications had been recorded, and the implementation time was fast (average 33.55 ± 7.97 minutes). Conclusions: It is necessary to place an internal drain (JJ) as soon as the diagnosis of pyelonephritis caused by ureteral stones causing sepsis.

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