Thanh Tung Nguyen1,, Thi Hoang Loan Vo2, Thi My Ngoc Pham3, Hoang Nhut Luu4, Ngoc Anh Nguyen5, Thanh Diep Do1, Thanh Vu Le4, Thi Vien Phuong Nguyen6, Trung Dung Tran2, Ngoc Binh Phan4, Thi Nhi Nguyen7
1 Department of Health of Hau Giang province
2 Sub-Department of Population and Family Planning in Hau Giang Province
3 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
4 Hau Giang Provincial General Hospital
5 Department of Education and Training of Hau Giang province
6 Center for Communication - Health Education in Hau Giang Province
7 Long My District Population - Family Planning Center

Main Article Content


Background: Soil-transmitted helminthiasis is a fairly common disease. This disease spreads through the gastrointestinal tract and through the skin, affecting both intellect and spirit development, reducing working capacity, increasing the risk of infection other diseases... According to some studies in Vietnam; the rate of reinfection after 6 months is about 27-60%. Objectives: To determine the prevalence, intensity of Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) reinfection in elementary school students in Hau Giang province after Mebendazole 500mg intervention, year 2019-2020. Materials and method: Design of cross-sectional descriptive studies combined with community intervention on 206 students infected with STH intervened with Mebendazole 500mg single dose. Data processing on SPSS 18.0 software. Results: The rate of egg clearance after 14 days of treatment with Mebendazole 500mg was 100%. The general SHT reinfection rate of the pupils after 12 months of intervention was 11.2%. The re-infection rate at 3 months was 1.5%, at 6 months it was 2.0%, at 9 months it was 3.5% and at 12 months it was 4.7%. The rate of SHT reinfection among 11-year-old students accounted for the highest rate at 19,4%. The rate of re-infection among male students (17.0%) was higher than that of female students (4.3%). All of the reinfected students were hookworms, of which the mild intensity was 60.9%, the average intensity was 39.1% and there was no case of severe reinfection. The average intensity of infection of hookworm is 1674 eggs/g. Conclusions: The rate of the general reinfection of the SHT in elementary school students in Hau Giang province after 12 months of intervention was 11.2%. Periodic deworming and preventing SHT infection, reinfection should be taken.  

Article Details


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