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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  •   The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

    The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.

  •   The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  •   The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

    Bản thảo phải đúng quy định, nội dung và hình thức trình bày của từng dạng bài báo. Những bài báo không đúng quy cách hoặc có nội dung không phù hợp hay vi phạm bản quyền sẽ bị từ chối.

Can Tho Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy (Can Tho J. Med. Pharm.) established by Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy publishing 10 issues per year. Can Tho J. Med. Pharm. aims to provide readers with updated information about scientific researches, new discoveries, guidelines, and experiences sharing from scientists. Each issue consists of 3 main sections: 1) Original articles from scientific research topics; 2) Reviews on aspects of Basic Sciences and Health Sciences for education purposes; 3) Insights into current trends of research including Basic sciences such as Chemistry, Physic and Biology; Health sciences such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science, Biomedical Science and Public Health. 

Requirements on submitting the articles

1.Each article must not exceed 7 pages, A4 including tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations and references (The reviews are presented in A4 size, less than 10 pages including tables, graphs and references).

2. Submitting all articles in single 12 point Times New Roman (Unicode) in Microsoft Word. Name of scientific research projects: Font size 14, capitalized, bold, centered. Name of author and partner: Italics,right margin. Abstracts: Italics, not bold. The title of each part: Bolds, numbered with roman numerals in order from I to V.

3. Aligning: left margin 3.5 cm, right margin 2.5 cm, upper margin 3 cm, lower margin 3 cm.

4.Page number: middle of page, below article.

5.The first page of the article must contain sections such as: the name of the article, the author's name (or group of authors), the author's address (email and phone number). Articles are needed to mark the author who is responsible for the posts. 

Instructions for manuscript

A. Abstracts: structured article with an abstract of 250-300 words, short background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Keywords: show the main meanings of the research, maximum of 6 words or phrases.

B. Content

1. Introduction: show clearly the reasons why research, introduce the research objectives, and show concise overview of the research fields in the World and in Vietnam.

2. Material and Methods: should be concise, enough information which the readers can know the research process. The new processes and technologies implemented first time should be described in details and cited from original sources. Present the selection criteria of subjects, research designs, samples and sampling, short present the process of data analysis and ethical issues.

3. Results: present the main results. The images, diagrams, tables and graphs should be presented clearly with short annotations. It is recommended that results should be presented in figures and tables along with a suitable description in the text.

4. Discussion: The discussion should be concise and focus on the interpretation of the obtained results, compare with the previous research results domestic and abroad.

5. Conclusions: should be short and not listed again the results.

6. References: Reference the most recent and relevant publications. A reference should be presented as follows: name, family name and middle name of authors are written in full name by Vietnamese without marks. Family name is written in full, middle name and name written in abbreviation (with foreign name). Articles with many authors, write the name of the first 5 authors and et al. 

*Note: Author of the article must be responsible to the Editorial Board, the public opinions and the rules relating to the Press Law, copyright and intellectual property rights.