Nguyen Thi Trang Dai1, Lam Ngoc Yen1, Luu Thi Nhu Y1, Vo Pham Trinh Thu2, Tang Nghiep Minh2, Nguyen Phuc Hung1,
1 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Can Tho University

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Background: The term “Entrepreneurship” refers to innovative, high-risk, and rapidly expanding business ventures that frequently need a substantial cash source. Most of the initial funding comes from individual savings or family’s financial support. The process of becoming an entrepreneur starts with identifying an opportunity and ends with creating a plan to take advantage of it. However, it has never been straightforward or simple to start a firm, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector. In order to initiate and maintain a profitable business, pharmacists must train themselves with business startup expertise. Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge and factors affecting the entrepreneurship of young pharmacists in the Mekong Delta from May 2023 to November 2023. Material and methods: To ascertain the viewpoints of 815 young pharmacists aged from 20 to under 40, this study used a cross-sectional descriptive design and conducted interviews with them, basing on the features of the research item, obtaining knowledge about entrepreneurship and identify some relevant elements. Results: Women made up 69.1% of the young pharmacist workforce, including the majority of college pharmacists (46.5%), university pharmacists (43.1%), and those with master or doctoral degrees (10.4%). 80% were familiar with entrepreneurship, and 90.1% believed that, in order to launch a successful business, entrepreneurs had to have a thorough understanding of the industry in which they planned to operate. 77.8% had high knowledge scores. Regard the total of knowledge scores by characteristics groups, it has been clearly seen in the study that the gender, economic, and educational variables had an impact on general knowledge (p<0.05); in which the college pharmacist category (429.76), along with the rich and the well-off (429.76) had the highest average rankings among the characteristic categories. Conclusions: The majority of young pharmacists in the Mekong Delta were aware of and fairly knowledgeable about entrepreneurship.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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