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Background: Bồng Nga truật, or Fingerroot, (Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf syn. Boesenbergia pandurata (Roxb.) Schltr.), also known as Ngải bún, is a common ginger species in Mekong Delta. Its tuber roots and rhizomes are often used to cook rice noodles as an alternative to Tumeric (Curcuma longa L.). Despite being used commonly in Indonesia and Thailand, the plant has not been used and researched as a herb in Vietnam. This research was for starting projects to increase the value of this species. Objectives: This study was to primarily describe morphological and microanatomical figures of Bồng Nga truật, together with characteristic figures in rhizome and tuber root powder. Materials and methods: The whole plant of Fingerroot, including rhizomes and tuber roots, was collected in Giong Rieng, Kien Giang. A portion of rhizomes and tuber roots was then cleansed and basked to dry in December 2019. Fresh samples were used for the microanatomy study, dried sample was pulverized for the powder study. All of the observations were done following general instructions in Vietnam Pharmacopoeia V. Results: The study described botanical figures of Bồng Nga truật sample in Giong Rieng, Kien Giang, including morphology, microanatomy of whole plant and characteristic particles in Bồng Nga truật rhizome and tuber root powders. The plant had common figures of Zingiberaceae and looked similar to Tumeric except for leaf sheath bases, flowers, and particular palmated tuber shapes. Microanatomy of leaf veins and leaf blades was characterized by large sub-rectangle secretory vesicles, V-shaped vascular bundles reinforced by hardened tissues on both sides. Rhizome and tuber root microanatomy were not specific. However, tubers of Fingerroot were more likely tuber root than colonial rhizome as referred. Similarly, particles found in powder samples were common among Zingiberaceae species. Conclusions: The sample has common morphological figures compared with one in Malaysia, and common figures of Zingiberaceae.
Chi tiết bài viết
Từ khóa
Ngải bún, Bồng Nga truật, Boesenbergia, figures, powder
Tài liệu tham khảo

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